
Become a member

Membership of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society is available to all.

Members receive a copy of the Society’s annual journal, Sudan & Nubia, published each year and details of Society events. Discounts are also available on Society publications and on entry to the Society’s lectures and colloquia.

There are four categories of membership …

UK raterest of world
ordinary member£30 per annum£35 per annum
household (2+)£35 per annum£40 per annum
bona fide student£15 per annum£20 per annum
institution£40 per annum£45 per annum
To join or renew

For new subscriptions or membership renewal online, payment is by credit or debit card in Pounds Sterling via Worldpay. We do not accept Amex. We do accept …


All you need to do is select the type of membership you need from the following options. You will be taken to a secure Worldpay page, where you will be paying for one year’s membership.


The Society can only accept card payments through Worldpay. Do not send your card details to us directly.

Download the … Membership application form > [ 50k docx ]
Print, complete and sign the form, include a Sterling cheque drawn on a UK bank for the relevant amount and send it to the Honorary Secretary. The address is given on the right and is also on the form.

If you wish to have your bank pay the Society’s subscription every year automatically, you can arrange a standing order. A UK standing order mandate form is provided below. Complete it and take it to your bank.

Download … Standing order mandate >

Donations and patrons

The Society is constituted as a charity and relies on the generous support of funding organizations, membership fees and donations. If you would like to donate, your contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Individuals donating more £250 in any one year (over and above the membership fee) become patrons of the Society for that year.

If you would like to make a donation online, you can do so in Pounds Sterling using a credit or debit card via Worldpay. Fill in the amount below and then click on the red donate now button. We do not accept Amex. We do accept …


How much would you like to donate? Omit the £ sign

In addition, the benefit of Gift Aid Tax Relief is available to charitable societies such as SARS for donations from UK tax payers (out of their general taxed income) of any amount. The Society can reclaim tax at no extra cost to the donor. In addition, a donor who is a higher rate tax payer can claim further relief in his or her own benefit.

Download … Gift Aid declaration and information for patrons >

All queries concerning the patron scheme can be directed to the Honorary Secretary.

Sudan & Nubia

Find out more >

annual journal published by

The Sudan Archaeological
Research Society

c/o The Department of Egypt and Sudan
The British Museum
London WC1B 3DG
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)20 7323 8500
registered charity No.1005966

Online payments

We accept online payments in Pounds Sterling via the credit/debit cards indicated at left. Queries should be directed to …

or the Honorary Secretary
on +44 (0)20 7323 8500
The Sudan Archaeological
Research Society

(address as above)
registered charity No.1005966


You have the right to cancel your membership subscription or donation within seven days of completing payment through this website. If you do cancel, your payment will be refunded in full by the Society.

Privacy Policy

The Society is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Personal data held by the Society is used exclusively by the Society to communicate with you via email, or if you are a Member, by email and/or post. All correspondence relates to matters of interest to those who are Members, colleagues or friends of the Society. Annually, current members receive by post a copy of the Society’s journal, Sudan & Nubia, along with material relating to membership renewals and events.
In becoming a member of SARS, you give consent for the Society to contact you with communications on matters of interest in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Any financial transactions via the Society’s website are handled by Worldpay and governed by their Privacy Policy.